(337) 236-3116

Quality painting Contractors

Employment Application

Employee Application

Please put N/A for anything not applicable

List Your Last Three Employees:
Check The Types of Work You Have Experience In:
Enter Years of Experience
Person to Contact in Case of Emergency or Accident

*By submitting the online application, I hereby state that the information given me in this application is true in all respects. I agree that if I am employed and the information is found to be false in any respect, I will be subject to dismissal. I hereby authorize my former employers to release information pertaining to my work record, my work habits and my work performance while in their employment.

In making application for employment, I understand that an investigation report may b e made by a consumer reporting agency to include information as to my character, general reputation, and any other information which may be applicable. If an investigative report is made, I understand that I will have the right to make a written request for a complete and accurate disclosure of additional information concerning the nature and scope of the investigation. I understand that the possession or the use of illegal and unauthorized items, drugs, narcotics, controlled dangerous substances, alcohol, firearms or stolen property is prohibited on any work location of QUALITY PAINTING CONTRACTORS, INC. and its subsidiaries. I understand that unannounced searches may be conducted of my person, my personal effects or the work location of QUALITY PAINTING CONTRACTORS, INC. and its subsidiary company for the limited purpose of determining whether intoxicating beverages, narcotics, drugs, or paraphernalia used in conjunction with narcotics or drugs are in my possession while on any work location whole on company time. I understand that an unannounced druve screen urine test, as well as a blood test may be used in determining the use of illegal drugs or alcohol, in the event of an accident on QUALITY PAINTING CONTRACTORS, INC. property resulting in injury to an employee, property damage, or financial loss a mandatory urinalysis/blood test will be required. Any employee who as a result of testing, is found to have any traces of a prohibited drug or substance in his or her system, regardless of where or when such substance entered the system, will be considered in VIOLATION OF THIS POLICY and will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. I hereby give my consent to QUALITY PAINTING CONTRACTORS, INC. or its authorized representative to search my person and personal effects, to submit to drug and alcohol screen, or to submit to blood and urine samples for testing for determining compliance with this policy.

*Additional signatures may be requested upon submission